Cheriyakolla - Melpuram Rd, Melpalai post,Kuttaicode, Tamil Nadu 629152 94 89 93 84 18 82 20 22 22 33

Our Courses

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Mechanical Engineering

The department offers three years (6 Semesters) diploma course. The Sanctioned strength is 45 students per year in addition to 10% as lateral entry during 2nd year. The department has a team of qualified and experience teaching staff members and deliver quality teaching to the students. The workshop/laboratory required for the courses are set up with the best quality equipments which is being used for routine laboratory practical as well as for further research and consultancy in the field.

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Civil Engineering

The department offers three years (6 Semester) diploma course. The Sanctioned strength is 90 students per year in addition to 10% as lateral entry during 2nd year. The department has well qualified and experience teaching staff members and offers need based and quality teaching to the students. The laboratory facilities requird for the courses are setup with the best quality equipments abailable which is being used for routine laboratory practical as well as for further research and sonsultancy n the field.

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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The department offers three years (6 Semesters) diploma course. TheSanctioned stregth is 45 students per year in addition to 10% as lateral during 2nd year. The department has well qualified and experience staff members who offer need based and qualified teaching to the students. The laboratory required for thecourses are best quality equipments which is being laboratory practical and for further research.

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Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering is an evolving field, which encompass almost all aspects are widely used in telecommunications, space techmology,Information processing etc. In this branch, students are introduced to the concepts of modern electronic devices, tele communications, computer networkings, control systems etc, The Sanctioned strength is 45 students per year in addition to 10% as lateral entry during 2nd year. The department has well qualified and experience staff members who offer need based and qualified teaching to the students. The laboratory required for the courses are the best quality equipments which is being laboratory practical and for further research.

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Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is an evolving field, which encompass almost all aspects are widely used in hardware and software technology of Computers. In this branch, students are introduced to the comcepts of learning computerapplications, maintenance of Hardware and Software systems etc, The Sanctioned strength is 45 students per year in addition to 10% as lateral entry during 2nd year. The department has well qualified and experience staff members who offer need based and qualified teaching to the students. The laboratory required for the courses are the best quality computers.

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